Marriage Empowerment Moment: I’VE GOT YOUR BACK!

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In a few of our past blogs we’ve mentioned that we believe without a shadow of a doubt that God brought us together for a purpose that is bigger than us.  We also believe that’s true for every couple.  We are both in ministry and having each other’s support is invaluable.  Ministry is serious business as you represent the truth of Christ to others.  A spouse that understands and provides the key elements of support is invaluable, and we are enjoying learning how to do that for each other.   We have focused on ministry in this particular blog because that’s what we do, however these suggestions can also apply to whatever your spouse is involved in. We would like to share 5 basic things that are helpful in supporting each other:

  1. Be Prayerful- First and foremost, we must always undergird our spouses with much prayer. Petitioning the Lord on their behalf that they have purposeful, impactful and an anointed relevant word for the people. Whenever possible, make it a priority to be physically present.  Beware of the enemy! He will often try to distract us from covering our spouse in prayer at critical times.  Don’t fall for his tricks.
  2. Be attentive and observant- It’s been said that some lessons are taught, but many are caught.  Pay attention to your mate and learn what you can do to create the right atmosphere for their preparation, the actual engagement, and recovery/replenishing time.  Also, in your observation you may see areas where you can make things easier for them.  Anticipate their needs based on what you observe, and develop routines to accommodate their needs.  Learn the various protocols that may apply so that you can always support them in the appropriate way.
  3. Asks Questions- No one can influence atmosphere more significantly than your spouse.  Ask questions to learn what works best for you mate.  Discuss what you can do during times when no engagement is imminent so they can think through and tell you how you can best support them.
  4. Be an encourager-  Ministry can be lonely and often those who are called to serve feel inadequate.  Find ways to support and build up your mate in what they are called to do.  Speak well of their efforts and speak life to them when they are down.  There may be times where you need to provide feedback or even criticism; ask God for wisdom on how and when to share it.
  5. Be Understanding- Having a mate involved in ministry requires that we be understanding of their calling and willing to sacrifice to help them carry out their assignment.  While the first ministry is in the home, it is important that we be willing to share our mate with the Lord’s work. Don’t ever make your mate feel guilty for being committed to ministry.  At the same time, be understanding that home comes first.  Be sure not to let “ministry” get in the way of being their for your mate in every way.

These are just a few pointers that you can expand upon based upon your specific situation.   As a supportive force we should always be found exploring ways to be of assistance in creating peaceful and productive tools for our spouses success. Being their help should be our goal!

Elder Orin & Lady Courtney Boyd

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